Essential Guide for Parents! Common Questions about Pediatric Strabismus

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✅ Essential Guide for Parents! Common Questions about Pediatric Strabismus 👁
What are the main causes of pediatric strabismus?
- Congenital abnormalities: Strabismus often has a genetic predisposition. If both parents have strabismus, the likelihood of children being affected increases.
- Imbalance in eye muscle development or refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism can lead to strabismus due to impaired eye movement coordination.
- Eye diseases or abnormalities in the nervous system, among others.
What are the common types of strabismus?
- 💢 Inward deviation of the eye, often called “crossed eyes.”
- 💢 Outward deviation known as exotropia or “wall-eyed.”
What are the dangers of strabismus‼️
- ✅ Impairs the development of binocular vision.
- ✅ Can lead to amblyopia (lazy eye).
- ✅ May cause psychological impacts such as social withdrawal or abnormal behavior.
- ✅ Affects appearance, potentially impacting future career choices.
How is strabismus treated?
- Surgical treatments:
- Muscle weakening surgery
- Muscle strengthening surgery
- Muscle vertical displacement surgery
- Non-surgical treatments:
- Amblyopia treatment
- Medication therapy
- Optical correction with glasses or prisms 👓
- Binocular vision training
How can strabismus be prevented?
- ✅ Monitor eye coordination in children and observe for any abnormal eye positions.
- ✅ Children with a family history of strabismus should undergo a medical check-up around the age of one.
- ✅ When watching TV, encourage children to change seating positions frequently (left, center, right) and avoid sitting at an angle to the TV.
- ✅ Maintain good eye hygiene, ensuring proper lighting when reading and avoiding lying down while doing so.
❣ Conclusion:
Strabismus is a common childhood eye condition that requires early detection and treatment to prevent lifelong complications. Parents play a crucial role in monitoring their child’s eye health and seeking timely medical advice from pediatric ophthalmologists or eye care specialists.