Essential Guide for Parents! Common Questions about Pediatric Strabismus

👀 Eye Aier Intech Ophthalmology Knowledge

✅ Essential Guide for Parents! Common Questions about Pediatric Strabismus 👁

What are the main causes of pediatric strabismus?

  1. Congenital abnormalities: Strabismus often has a genetic predisposition. If both parents have strabismus, the likelihood of children being affected increases.
  2. Imbalance in eye muscle development or refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism can lead to strabismus due to impaired eye movement coordination.
  3. Eye diseases or abnormalities in the nervous system, among others.

What are the common types of strabismus?

  • 💢 Inward deviation of the eye, often called “crossed eyes.”
  • 💢 Outward deviation known as exotropia or “wall-eyed.”

What are the dangers of strabismus‼️

  • ✅ Impairs the development of binocular vision.
  • ✅ Can lead to amblyopia (lazy eye).
  • ✅ May cause psychological impacts such as social withdrawal or abnormal behavior.
  • ✅ Affects appearance, potentially impacting future career choices.

How is strabismus treated?

  1. Surgical treatments:
  • Muscle weakening surgery
  • Muscle strengthening surgery
  • Muscle vertical displacement surgery
  1. Non-surgical treatments:
  • Amblyopia treatment
  • Medication therapy
  • Optical correction with glasses or prisms 👓
  • Binocular vision training

How can strabismus be prevented?

  • ✅ Monitor eye coordination in children and observe for any abnormal eye positions.
  • ✅ Children with a family history of strabismus should undergo a medical check-up around the age of one.
  • ✅ When watching TV, encourage children to change seating positions frequently (left, center, right) and avoid sitting at an angle to the TV.
  • ✅ Maintain good eye hygiene, ensuring proper lighting when reading and avoiding lying down while doing so.

❣ Conclusion:

Strabismus is a common childhood eye condition that requires early detection and treatment to prevent lifelong complications. Parents play a crucial role in monitoring their child’s eye health and seeking timely medical advice from pediatric ophthalmologists or eye care specialists.

Beijing Aier Intech Eye Hospital
Address:Panjiayuan Plaza #12 Panjiayuan Nanli,Chaoyang District,Beijing

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