Category: Sharing in China

Seeing a Dentist in China

Dental Care Accessibility in China’s First-Tier Cities Accessing dental care in China’s first-tier cities is relatively convenient. This convenience is reflected in several key aspects: 1. Abundant Medical Resources First-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen are home to a significant concentration of high-quality medical resources. Surveys indicate...

The Experience of Foreign Patients in Chinese Hospitals

With China’s rapid economic development and increasing internationalization, more foreigners are choosing to live, work, or travel in China. When facing health issues, Chinese hospitals become crucial for these individuals seeking medical help. This exploration delves into the experiences of foreign patients in Chinese hospitals, focusing on medical facilities, expertise,...

Chinese Traditional Cupping Therapy (Fixed Cupping): FREE

“Event Duration: June 1st – June 15th,2024” Traditional cupping therapy uses traditional glass cups. The principle is to dredge the meridians, promote blood circulation, eliminate stasis, detoxify, and increase oxygenation under negative pressure, achieving the effects of regulating qi and blood, balancing yin and yang (with scraping and massage effects...

Foreigners see doctor services in Beijing

Foreigners see doctor services in BeijingHealth service agency that helps you save moneyAre you still going to a private hospital to see a doctor?Do you still spend a lot of money when you see a doctor?You can see a doctor through our public hospital in China!The cost of seeing a...

In China, your health requires us

Your health needs us in China. Even if you don’t choose us, you can prepare for yourself in advance according to the content We provide medical and health resource allocation services for foreigners who come to China in China. These situations include: 1. In Chinese life, when you have a...

What You Need to Know When Visiting Beijing?

**What to Consider for Medical Tourism in Beijing?** 1. **Safety Level** Beijing is considered extremely safe with no significant safety concerns. The streets are equipped with numerous surveillance cameras (“Eagle Eye”), providing protection in public areas. Public transportation such as subway, buses, and ride-hailing apps are equipped with cameras, which...

Medical Consultation Service for Foreigners in Beijing

Medical Consultation Service for Foreigners in Beijing Navigating Beijing’s vast healthcare system to find the most suitable medical institution can be challenging. With as many as 10,897 medical institutions in Beijing, including comprehensive hospitals, traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, and outpatient clinics, choosing appropriate medical services is not only crucial for...