Category: Traditional Chinese medicine

The Differences between Traditional Chinese Orthopedic Treatment and Western Medical Rehabilitation Treatment

Traditional Chinese orthopedic treatment and Western medical rehabilitation treatment have significant differences in dealing with bone-related diseases and injuries. Traditional Chinese orthopedic treatment has a long history and a unique theoretical system. It is detailedly recorded in “The Golden Mirror of Medicine: Essentials of Bone-Setting” about the methods and key...

The Science of Traditional Chinese Medicine

**”The Science of Traditional Chinese Medicine”** Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), an ancient medical system that has been passed down for thousands of years, its scientific nature has always been a controversial topic. However, when we deeply explore and understand TCM, we will find that it contains profound scientific principles. TCM...

Sanjiao Blockage Leading to Illness

Sanjiao, or the triple burner, regulates the body’s qi and is the leader of the five zang and six fu organs. Modern medical research indicates that Sanjiao is closely related to the endocrine system and the microcirculatory blood vessels, forming a large system that connects the body through qi, blood,...