Category: Traditional Chinese medicine

Differences Between Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Tuina and Massage Therapy

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Tuina and massage therapy both play significant roles in modern health and wellness. However, there are notable differences between them, primarily in terms of theoretical foundations, techniques, treatment goals, and applications. This article explores these differences, supported by recent articles from medical journals. Theoretical Foundations TCM...

Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine and Infertility

Introduction Infertility has become a significant global health issue, affecting numerous couples of childbearing age. Western medicine offers various treatments, such as medication and assisted reproductive technology, but these methods are not always effective for all patients and may come with side effects. Traditional Chinese herbal medicine, known for its...

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Resolving Infertility Problems and Boosting the ‘Eugenics and Superior Birth’ Era

In today’s society, infertility has gradually become a distress faced by many families. And Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), with its unique theoretical system and rich practical experience, plays a non-negligible role in resolving this problem and boosting the “eugenics and superior birth” era. TCM has a profound understanding and perception...