Category: Chengdu

Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University

Hospital specialist advantage has outstanding characteristics. There are 5 national regions (Chinese medicine) specialty (emergency, gynecological, endocrine, ophthalmology, anorectal) diagnosis and treatment centers, 6 national key specialties (major in traditional Chinese medicine), and 13 countries of the Chinese Medicine Administration. It is the National Traditional Chinese Medicine Eye Disease Medical...

Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital

The hospital currently has 4,432 sheets, 7,159 employees, and 1089 senior professional experts. More than 200 titles of various types of talents at the provincial and ministerial level, including 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 17 national talents, the Ministry of Health has outstanding contributions to 4 young...

West China Hospital of Sichuan University

In terms of scientific research, West China Hospital has established more than 320,000 square meters of independent scientific research institutes. It currently includes national key laboratories, “2011” collaborative innovation plans, national biological therapy transformation medicine major scientific and technological infrastructure, national elderly disease clinical medicine The 9 national and 30...