Category: Medical Tourism

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Visited Beijing for Diagnosis

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common reproductive endocrine disease that affects the quality of life of many women worldwide. With the advancement of medical technology and people’s emphasis on health, many patients choose to seek more professional diagnosis and treatment services in big cities such as Beijing. The following...

What factors can affect children’s endocrine system

Endocrine acquired causes in children refer to endocrine disorders or abnormalities caused by factors related to the internal endocrine system, such as external environment, lifestyle habits, diet, etc. The specific situation and presentation may vary due to specific reasons. Here are several common acquired factors and their presentation: 1. Dietary...

Foreigners seeking medical services in Beijing

Hospital accompanying medical services are provided to patients who require accompanying medical treatment. The following are the steps to provide accompanying medical services at the hospital: 1. Appointment service: Patients or their family members can make an appointment in advance to accompany and seek medical treatment at the hospital, providing...

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in treating infertility

The advantages of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in treating infertility can be highlighted in the following aspects: 1. Comprehensive regulation: TCM emphasizes the balance of yin and yang, as well as the harmony of qi and blood. By regulating the overall functions and state of the body, TCM can effectively...