Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital (Gynecology) Affiliated to Capital Medical University

Gynecology was founded in 1956. We are currently a key specialized construction unit of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine during the 12th Five Year Plan period. The Obstetrics and Gynecology Department has established the “Traditional Chinese Medicine Infertility Diagnosis and Treatment Center”. Based on the advantages of our hospital’s renowned traditional Chinese medicine resources in treating infertility, we integrate the resources of gynecologists and male doctors, and jointly build across disciplines and hospitals. Our aim is to use traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation treatment as the basic method, with equal emphasis on traditional Chinese and Western medicine, to carry out the treatment of male and female infertility.
Gynecology has advanced medical instruments for the treatment of gynecological diseases such as laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, and colposcopy, which can carry out modern medical diagnosis, treatment, surgery, and emergency treatment. In recent years, the capacity of gynecological medical services has continued to steadily improve: the annual outpatient volume is ≥ 100000 people; Annual discharge times ≥ 1000; Annual surgical volume ≥ 500 cases; Average length of hospital stay ≤ 8.65 days; Bed utilization rate is 95% to 100%; Outpatient prescription ratio of herbal medicine ≥ 70%

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